
Processor that saves the given source to a message exchange scoped storage. Stash can then be accessed later on using the given key.


Name Summary


The key used to eventually retrieve the object from the stash. If the key cannot be found, the operation will fail.


The expression used to specify the object to store in the stash.


Optional, descriptive name for the processor.


Required identifier of the processor, unique across all processors within the flow. Must be between 3 and 30 characters long; contain only lower and uppercase alphabetical characters (a-z and A-Z), numbers, dashes ("-"), and underscores ("_"); and start with an alphabetical character. In other words, it adheres to the regex pattern [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{2,29}.


Optional set of custom properties in a simple jdk-format, that are added to the message exchange properties before processing the incoming payload. Any existing properties with the same name will be replaced by properties defined here.


Whether the incoming payload is available for error processing on failure. Defaults to false.


Name Summary


Strategy for describing how a processor’s message is logged on the server.


Strategy for archiving payloads.


Strategy that customizes the conversion of an incoming payload by a processor (e.g., string to object). Should be used when the processor’s default conversion logic cannot be used.


Retrieving Data

Data can be pulled out of the stash using the setPayload processor and the expression syntax envelope.stash.<key>. For example:

setPayload {
    id = "set-payload"
    source = "envelope.stash.myStash.myProperty"

This also means the stash is available in map processors, as the following demonstrates:

map {
    id = "format-response"
    mapSpec = """
            "message" : #input.stash.myStash.myProperty


Stashed data is only scoped to the current flow. No stash data is distributed or forwarded to other flows. See the deleteFromStash processor for more options.