
Strategy that customizes the conversion of an incoming payload by a processor (e.g., string to object). Should be used when the processor’s default conversion logic cannot be used.

See the Payload Types documentation for more details and examples.


Name Summary


Optional. Signifies a string transformation using the given character encoding. When transforming from binary to an object, binary data is first transformed to a string. This binary/string decoding defaults to UTF-8 unless otherwise specified here.


Optional. Used to transform binary or string data to a JSON compliant object (e.g., MarshallingFormat.JSON). When working with XML compliant data, marshalling format should be set to XML. Both objectConversionFormat and characterSet are required to transform to an XML string.


Optional properties to use when transforming to strings. Uses a simple jdk-format for adding property values.


Id of a schema for marshalling formats requiring a schema (i.e. Avro, XSD, WSDL). ID must be following the pattern <type>:<resourceId>:<revision>. Set <revision> to latest to retrieve the latest one. If multiple standalone XSD/WSDL resources are to be used, their IDs can be configured as comma separated values. "Standalone" meaning the XSD/WSDL resources do not import/include each other.

This property is optional and only relevant for the following conversions:

  • from XML documents to JSON compliant

  • from Avro to JSON compliant and from JSON compliant to Avro

When used for XML conversions it will ensure that elements in JSON compliant representations of XML documents are aligned with the requirements specified in the XSD (e.g., correct representation of XML list elements).


Deprecated. Use schemaId instead. This will be removed in the future.

ID of a WSDL or XSD specification following the pattern <type>:<resourceId>:<revision>. Set <revision> to latest to retrieve the latest one. If multiple standalone XSD/WSDL resources are to be used, their IDs can be configured as comma separated values. "Standalone" meaning the XSD/WSDL resources do not import/include each other.

This property is optional and only relevant for conversions from XML documents to JSON compliant. It can be used to ensure that elements in JSON compliant representations of XML documents are aligned with the requirements specified in the XSD (e.g., correct representation of XML list elements).


Mapping of prefixes to namespaces in the XML representation of inbound payload. The special _default prefix can be assigned to a single namespace, which is then used as the default namespace for the document and not assigned a prefix. This property is optional and only relevant when doing conversions from XML documents to JSON compliant.

Defining the prefix mappings here is highly recommended if you are doing any processing of the JSON compliant payload, since it is the only way you can mandate the prefixes yourself. Namespaces not defined here will have automatic prefixes in the form ns1, ns2, etc. This property is a string on the standard Java Properties format. Each line contains a prefix specification on the format <prefix> = <namespace>. Note that namespaces can only be assigned to a single prefix. Duplicated namespaces are not allowed.


Whether to allow insecure XML feature such as doctype / entity resolution.

Allowing insecure processing also requires 'allowInsecureXmlProcessing' feature toggle enabled on on flow server.

Defaults to false.