Advanced Setup

Application Overrides

The test server that comes with the Utilihive SDK can be configured by editing the file located at $HOME/utilihive/server/ on your computer.

The utilihive directory won’t be created until the first time the test server attempts to start. For information on how to start the server from a unit test, check out the flow tutorials.

The initial file comments out every possible configuration option, where each property is set to its default. For example:

# The maximum age a flow can have before it is purged. Default 30 minutes.
# flowDeveloper.serverComponents.flow.timeToLiveMillis=1800000


The most important properties you might want to change would be the ports that the server runs on. If the default ports are already in use by other processes, uncomment and change the following properties:


Note that server.port refers to the main test server while management.server.port handles separate endpoints for things like manually shutting down the server.

Make sure the current server is shut down before changing the port. See the Troubleshooting documentation for more information.


The only other property you might want to change would be the following:

This defines whether or not to enable cleanup tasks on the test server. Setting this to false will make the server stop purging outdated flow deployments that the unit tests might have left behind. It is highly recommended to leave this on for normal use and should only be switched off after talking to support.