Flow Details

Flows can be accessed by selecting their names as they appear in the Heartbeat Overview or by searching for them in the Flows page.


Each flow has its own overview that, like the main Heartbeat Overview, provides a quick glance on the state of messages in the flow. The following image demonstrates the overview for a REST API flow:

The console displays a single flow’s total count of in-flight, complete, and failed messages.
The time range set by the top-right calendar button ( ) still applies at the individual flow level.

Flow Spec

Selecting the Flow Spec tab provides a few different options for reviewing a flow’s specification. The following buttons on the right side of the page will change the view accordingly:

Button Description

An upside down triangle.

A plain English summary of the flow spec with top-level information like the exchange pattern, dead-letter strategy, and list of processors.

Coding brackets.

A low-code view of the object-oriented flow spec with expandable and collapsible nodes.

A graphical tree.

A graphical "flow chart" style view that allows you to drag and visually rearrange the processors in the flow.

The following image demonstrates using the graph view:

The Flow Spec tab displays three processors connected by a dotted line.


If the flow is a REST API, its OpenAPI resource will be converted into a testable UI, thus enabling the Documentation tab. The following image demonstrates with this tab looks like:

The Documentation tab displays a POST endpoint for a REST API.

This is an implementation of Swagger UI where you can review and make requests to REST endpoints in the browser. Expanding one of the HTTP request types (e.g., POST) will display the parameters, expected request body, and possible responses for that request, as the following image shows:

The expanded POST request displays an example request body in JSON format.

Select the "Try it out" button and then the Execute button to perform an actual request to that particular endpoint. The following image demonstrates executing a POST request that returned a 401 status:

The page displays the curl command that executed the POST request and the returned 401 Unauthorized message.
The "Try it out" feature will only work if you have added authorized credentials. To do so, select the Authorize button at the top of the page and add a valid username and password. See the Flow Access section for more information on generating these credentials.